Changes to Kapseli’s prices – discounts on small machine packages and the Linux version

Prices for Findata’s secure processing environment will change from 1 April 2024. If you want to change your Kapseli subscription or stop using Kapseli because of the price changes, remember to do so by 15 March.

With the new Kapseli prices, most prices will be reduced. A more affordable academic licence will be available for the Windows version, and prices for all Linux machine packages will be reduced.

The biggest price increase will be in the processing fee for the Kapseli pause service, which will rise by 12%. However, the monthly fee for the pause service will be reduced by almost 50%.

Prices for Kapseli customisation, storage service and L and XL machine packages for the Windows version will also increase slightly.

Cheaper academic licence price for the Windows version

As of April, the Windows version of Kapseli will be available with an academic licence at a lower price than normal.

The academic Windows licence can be used for projects where all users are from organisations eligible for the academic licence. It is the responsibility of the project to ensure that the licence conditions are met.

Be sure to change your Kapseli subscription in time

If you wish to update your Kapseli subscription to the academic Windows licence, or change or cancel your Kapseli subscription before the new prices come into effect, please do so by 15 March 2024 at the latest.

Update your subscription via our e-service (

Remember that transferring data from Kapseli to another environment requires an amendment permit. You can apply for a change of environment by selecting the form “amendment permit”.

Kapseli prices from 1 April 2024

In the tables you can see old prices -> prices from the 1st of April 2024.

Computing packages

ProductFeaturesWindows (price per year + VAT 24 %)Academic licence
Windows (price per year + VAT 24 %)
Linux (price per year + VAT 24 %)
Kapseli S– 8 GB RAM
– 4 cores
€ 2 250 -> € 1 770€ 1 640 1 980 -> € 1 305
Kapseli M– 16 GB RAM
– 6 cores
2 750 -> € 2 390€ 2 120 2 210 -> € 1 660
Kapseli L– 32 GB RAM
– 8 cores
3 500 -> € 3 560€ 2 935 2 450 -> € 2 345
Kapseli XL 64 GB RAM
– 8 cores
5 525 -> € 5 825€ 4 790 3 455 -> € 3 300


ProductPrice + VAT 24 %Features
Working time costs€ 86 -> € 90 per hourWorking time costs for customizing the remote environment, e.g. installation of the user’s own software in Kapseli package (with the user’s own licences).
Change of operating system 465,00 -> € 470 per changeFixed price based on the working time costs.
Technical customizationAccording to separate offer.Technical customization of the computing package or Kapseli subscription.

Pause service

ProductPrice + VAT 24 % Further information
Pause processing fee€ 245 -> € 280The processing fee is invoiced as part of new pause orders and when ordering an extension to a pause.
Monthly fee€ 87> € 46
Billed per month for the duration of the pause order.

Storage service

ProductPrice + VAT 24 %Further information
Storage service processing fee€ 440 -> € 460A processing fee and a minimum order of 12 months will be invoiced in connection with a new storage order.
Monthly charge for the storage service per 0.5 TB€ 6,50 -> € 7Billed every six months.



Inquiries related to Kapseli operating environment

See also


You can find prices for Kapseli and our other services here. Read more Pricing


Read more about Kapseli and the related features. Read more Kapseli®

Kapseli user guide

See detailed instructions on how to order Kapseli, how to use it and how to ensure anonymity of results. Read more Kapseli user guide