Our prices are based on decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health on charges for work carried out by the health and social data permit authority Findata.
The current prices are valid from 1 January to 31 December 2025. See the decree on finlex.fi (in Finnish).
See also data controllers’ average cost estimates.
On this page
The total price for Findata services comprises four components Data permits Amendment permits Data request decisions Expiry decisions Ready-made datasets Data processing and transferring kapseli secure processing environment Kapseli pause service Data storage service Invoicing Payment periods and termsThe total price for Findata services comprises four components
- The decision fee for data permit, amendment permit or data request issued by Findata
- The decision fees are always fixed-price and based on the decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. There are also different payment categories for different types of permits, which you can find below. With the exception of the cost of processing a lapsed application, which is based on an hourly rate. No VAT is charged on public law services or decision fees.
- Costs incurred by data controllers for the extraction and delivery of data, based on each controller’s own regulations. The controllers determine whether or not to add VAT to the extraction costs on the basis of the final payer.
- Working hours used by Findata for combining, pre-processing, pseudonymising and anonymising the data
- The hourly rate for data processing is fixed and based on the decree of public charges. No VAT is charged.
- Monthly fee for the secure processing environment Kapseli, if you use Kapseli for data analysis. Kapseli is always the primary secure processing environment for analysing data. VAT will be added to the monthly fee.
Data permits
Price category | Criteria | Price |
Data permit for a thesis | A data permit related to a thesis for an applicant who is domiciled in Finland or another EU or EEA country. If the project produces several theses or other outputs not related to the thesis, another permit fee category will be applied. | 250,00 EUR |
Limited data permit | The processing of the application takes less than 7 hours and the applicant’s place of business is an EU or EEA country. For example, new research questions without changes to the data or new extractions. | 300,00 EUR |
Normal data permit | The application concerns the data of 1 to 15 data controllers and the applicant is established in an EU or EEA country. If the extraction description is modified at the initiative of the applicant in the middle of the application processing process after receiving the cost estimates, or the processing takes more than 14 hours for some other reason, this is an extensive data permit, cf. below. | 1 400,00 EUR |
Normal data permit for researcher-driven research | Data permit for the applicant whose place of operation is in Finland or another EU or EEA country, with a processing time of 7 hours or more but less than 14 hours, and it is research that is conducted without external funding or with funding from a public health care unit, university, research institute or other public or non-profit association. The application must be accompanied by an explanation of how the research will be funded. | 700,00 EUR |
Extensive data permit | You may need an extensive data permit e.g. if one or more of the following is met: – The application concerns the data of more than 15 data controllers – The extraction description is modified at the initiative of the applicant after receiving the cost estimates, ie more than one round of cost estimates is required from one or more controllers | 2 000,00 EUR |
Extensive data permit for researcher-driven research | Data permit for the applicant whose place of operation is in Finland or another EU or EEA country, with a processing time of 14 hours or more, and it is research that is conducted without external funding or with funding from a public health care unit, university, research institute or other public or non-profit association. The application must be accompanied by an explanation of how the research will be funded. | 1 000,00 EUR |
Data permit for outside the EU or EEA area | Data permit for the applicant whose place of business is in a country outside the EU or EEA. | 3 000,00 EUR |
Amendment permits
Price category | Criteria | Price |
Minor amendment or change | The application seeks the following amendments or changes: – extension of the permit – modification of the persons authorized to process the data – a change in the controller of the material released with the data – changing the data processing environment from Findata’s Kapseli remote access system to another service provider’s secure processing environment. | 300,00 EUR |
Other amendment or change | The application seeks one or more of the following changes or amendments: – the extension of the monitoring years to the authorization granted by Findata, provided that the persons to be examined and the data to be extracted remain the same – extension of the processing of the data by way of derogation from an authorization granted outside the EU or EEA countries – adding variables to the data collection after the extraction has already taken place – the addition of data under other legislation in derogation from the authorization granted. | 600,00 EUR |
Data request decisions
Price category | Criteria | Price |
Data request for a thesis | A data request is related to a thesis for an applicant who is domiciled in Finland or another EU or EEA country. If the project produces several theses or other outputs not related to the thesis, this is a normal or extensive information permit. | 250,00 EUR |
Data request decision for researcher-driven research | Research is conducted without external funding or with funding from a public health care unit, university, research institute or other public or non-profit association. The applicant must be established in an EU or EEA country and the application must be accompanied by an explanation of how the research will be funded. | 1 250,00 EUR |
Data request | All other data requests. | 2 500,00 EUR |
Expiry decisions
A fee is charged for expired permit applications. The amount of this fee depends on the permit applied for and the stage to which the processing of the application has progressed before the applicant withdraws it.
How does an application’s processing proceed?
The processing of applications involves five stages, which may be preceded by the applicant independently contacting a controller. The process is outlined in detail below the graph.
- Contact controllers before submitting the application
- Contact controllers directly for additional information on data or variables.
- Request cost estimates and feasibility details from controllers.
- Arrange any special data extraction agreements with the controller and include this in the Additional Information section of your application. For example, if a clinician from the research team will perform the extraction free of charge, include details in the Additional Information section about who agreed to this and under what conditions.
- Submit the application
- Submit your application or any requested additional information via our e-service (asiointi.findata.fi). Email may be used for additional information if applicable.
- Findata reviews the application and its appendices
- Data permit applications are reviewed within a week of receipt. Applications are divided into those that can be processed immediately and those that need further information.
- Incomplete applications will be returned for more information or clarification.
- Cost estimation:
- Findata sends requests for additional information and confirmation of cost estimates to the controllers from whom data is being requested in your application. Controllers have 15 working days to respond. We will forward any additional questions from controllers to you.
- Findata determines its cost estimate for data processing.
- Approve the maximum cost estimates:
- Review the final extraction description and maximum cost estimate.
- Approve both to proceed with the permit.
- Note that you cannot change the extraction conditions after approval. Any modifications to the extracted data will require a new application.
- Findata issues a decision:
- A data permit or data request decision will be issued.
- Data permits are for a fixed period. If you need to save data for purposes such as research verification, or if you plan to renew your permit or require regular updates, include these needs in your application.
Payment category | Criteria | Price |
Free of charge expiry decision | The applicant withdraws the application before Findata has started processing it. | EUR 0,00 |
Charge of approx. 20% of the permit fee | The applicant withdraws the application when Findata has started processing the application but before the cost estimate requests for data extraction have been sent to the controllers. | Hourly charge of 80,00 EUR /hour |
Charge of approx. 60% of the permit fee | The applicant withdraws the application after the cost estimate requests for data extraction have been sent to the controllers but before a cost estimate summary has been sent to the applicant. | Hourly charge of 80,00 EUR /hour |
Charge of approx. 75% of the permit fee | The applicant withdraws the application after receiving the cost estimate summary. | Hourly charge of 80,00 EUR /hour |
Ready-made datasets
Price category | Criteria | Price |
Findata’s ready-made dataset | Data permit for Findata’s ready-made dataset, when no other data are combined with it. In addition to the data permit fee, Findata’s extraction costs are charged based on the amount of work. | 300,00 EUR |
Data processing and transferring
Price category | Criteria | Price |
Data processing | Hourly fee for data combining, pre-processing, pseudonymisation and anonymisation. Minimum one hour. | 147,00 EUR/hour |
Data transferring | Data transfers are priced based on the number of zip folders to be transferred. It takes 2,5 hours to transfer one zip folder. 2,5 x 147 EUR = 367,5 EUR/zip folder Each zip folder can be a maximum of 4 GB in size. If the total data to be transferred exceeds 40 GB, we kindly ask that you contact us in advance at data@findata.fi so we can arrange the best approach for transferring your data. | 367,50 EUR/zip folder |
Kapseli secure processing environment
By default, all computing packages have the following storage modes:
- Work: 300 GB
- Data: 300 GB
- Backup: 5 GB
- Output: 10 GB
The performance of Kapseli depends on the number of concurrent users and the load generated by the software used. One machine package (S/M/L/XL) is designed for approximately ten users. The price includes user rights for up to 10 users.
It is not advisable to add more than ten users to a single machine package to avoid overloading the performance. However, if the subscriber wishes to have more than 10 users on a single machine package, we will charge additional user usage fees monthly at a rate of EUR 16,16 + 25,5% VAT per user.
It is also possible to distribute data-specific processing across multiple parallel machine packages. Each of these machine packages must be ordered separately as individual packages. Ordering parallel machine packages may require customization, for which Findata will charge according to their pricing schedule.
Computing packages
Kapseli prices are commercially priced fee-based services to which VAT of 25,5% is added. The prices in the price list do not include VAT.
For example, the total cost of the Kapseli S machine package with Windows operating system is € 185,10 per month (€ 147,50 + (0,255 x € 147,50) = € 185,10).
An academic Windows license can be deployed on projects where all users are from organisations that are eligible for an academic license type. It is the responsibility of the project to ensure that the licence conditions are met.
If necessary, check with your organisation’s IT support or directly with Microsoft: Windows Licence Terms and Conditions (microsoft.com)
How to switch to an academic license for Windows
Information about switching to an academic license is required at least two weeks before the billing period changes. Make the switch in our e-service at asiointi.findata.fi
- Select the form “Order or update of the Kapseli operating environment or data storage service.”
- From the menu, choose “I wish to update my current environment.”
- Indicate the update target as “I want to change Kapseli’s operating system.”
- In the “Kapseli’s features” section of the form, select “Windows” as the operating system.
- Answer the question that appears regarding the academic Windows license.
There are no costs associated with switching the license.
Product | Features | Windows (VAT not included) | Academic licence Windows (VAT not included) | Linux (VAT not included) |
Kapseli S | – 8 GB RAM – 4 cores | 147,50 EUR/month (1 770,00 EUR/year) | 136,67 EUR/month (1 640,00 EUR/year) | 108,75 EUR/month (1 305,00 EUR/year) |
Kapseli M | – 16 GB RAM – 6 cores | 199,17 EUR/month (2 390,00 EUR/year) | 176,67 EUR/month (2 120,00 EUR/year) | 138,33 EUR/month (1 660,00 EUR/year) |
Kapseli L | – 32 GB RAM – 8 cores | 296,67 EUR/month (3 560,00 EUR/year) | 244,58 EUR/month (2 935,00 EUR/year) | 195,42 EUR/month (2 345,00 EUR/year) |
Kapseli XL | – 64 GB RAM – 8 cores | 485,42 EUR/month (5 825,00 EUR/year) | 399,17 EUR/month (4 790,00 EUR/year) | 275,00 EUR/month (3 300,00 EUR/year) |
Product | Features | Price (VAT not included) |
Change of processing system | Fixed price based on the working time costs. | 470,00 EUR/change |
Technical customization | Working time costs for customizing the remote environment, e.g. installation of the user’s own software in Kapseli package (with the user’s own licences), other technical customization of the computing package or Kapseli subscription. | According to separate offer |
We reserve the right to change the prices for the processing environment if changes take place to the procurement costs for the remote access environment independently of Findata’s operations.
Kapseli pause service
You can pause your Kapseli processing environment, after which the current machine package will be disabled for the duration of the pause. During the pause, we maintain the processing environment and the materials within, but the users do not have access to it.
During the pause, the Kapseli order must be valid, but only the monthly pause fee will be charged. The standard Kapseli conditions are also valid for the duration of the pause.
When the scheduled pause ends, users can start to log in to Kapseli once again. You will begin to be charged the monthly machine package fee for Kapseli.
The pause can be ordered through our customer service. The minimum pause is two calendar months and the maximum pause is 12 months. The period of notice for the pause is one calendar month.
The processing time for all Kapseli orders is one month.
Processing times for pause service
The processing time for all Kapseli orders is one month. The minimum pause is two calendar months and the maximum pause is 12 months. The period of notice for the pause is one calendar month.
Example 1: You ordered Kapseli originally for the period 1.1.2024–31.12.2027, and would like to pause the environment for the period 1.10.2024–1.12.2025.
- Order the pause no later than August 31 2024, because there is one month processing time for orders.
Example 2: You have put Kapseli on pause from 1 October 2023 to 1 December 2024, but want to use it again as early as 1 July 2024.
- Terminate the pause no later than 30 April 2024. Orders have a one-month processing time and the pause service has a one-month period of notice.
Kapseli prices are commercially priced fee-based services to which VAT of 25,5% is added. The prices in the price list do not include VAT.
For example, the pause service processing fee is in total € 351,40 (€ 280,00 + (0,255 x € 280,00) = € 351,40).
Product | Price (VAT not included) | Further information |
Pause processing fee | 280,00 EUR | The processing fee is invoiced as part of new pause orders and when ordering an extension to a pause. |
Monthly fee | 46,00 EUR | Billed per month for the duration of the pause order. |
Data storage service
The data storage service enables a storage of research data and scripts after analysis, if there is a justified need. This could be, for example, peer review. You can order the storage service for a minimum of one year and need a valid data permit for the entire storage period.
Kapseli processing environment and storage service cannot be used at the same time. Materials can only be located in one of them at a time.
How to order the storage service?
The storage service is an additional Kapseli service and is only available for those with a Kapseli order. The storage service must be ordered at least four weeks before the end of your Kapseli subscription.
At the moment, it is not possible to order only the storage service. If the data has been analysed in another secure processing environment than Kapseli, you must first order Kapseli and then the storage service.
The storage service can be ordered for a minimum of one year and requires a valid data permit for the entire storage period. If the data permit is not valid for the entire desired storage period, you should first apply for an extension of the validity of the data permit with a data permit amendment application in our e-service (asiointi.findata.fi). If the data permit has not been granted by Findata, we request that you contact the data permit issuer to extend the validity period.
The storage service can be ordered for a maximum of five years at a time and only a representative of the permit holder can place orders related to the storage service of the material. The continuation of the order is possible in accordance with the current terms of service and price list. Order a continuation of the storage service at least one month before the end of the previous subscription. In order for the order to continue smoothly, ensure that the data permit covers the entire planned retention period when placing the order.
How does the storage service work?
When the storage service is deployed, Kapseli and any software customisations will be removed.
The storage service stores the materials produced with the data permit, as well as any files related to the research, such as code scripts. All files from the Kapseli D:, W:, and B: drives will be transferred to the storage service. The file format does not matter.
Keep these in mind
- It is your responsibility to store the data in a file format that allows it to be processed after restoration. The data will be transferred to the storage service in the status indicated by the start date of the data storage service.
- In connection with the implementation of the data storage service, you will be sent a security email with an encryption key and a unique identifier. The most reliable way to open the encryption key file is with Notepad. The encryption key and the unique identifier are required to re-implement the data. Without these, it is not possible to return the data from the storage service. It is your responsibility to keep the encryption key and the unique identifier safe during the storage service.
Cancellation of the storage service
If you want to terminate your storage service order before your order ends, you must order it separately in our e-service (asiointi.findata.fi). The cancellation must be ordered at least one month before the desired cancellation date.
After your storage service order has ended, the material will be removed from the service. Findata will not store the data after the order has ended.
Returning material for use in the Kapseli or other secure processing environment
If necessary, the data can be returned for analysis in a new Kapseli processing environment and transferred back to the storage service after processing. Order a transfer from the storage service to Kapseli at least one month before the desired date. To return the material, place an order for Kapseli before sending the return request.
The data sets from the data storage system can also be transferred to another secure processing environment that has been accepted to the Toini secondary use register maintained by Valvira. For the use of Kapseli or data transfer to the secure processing environment of a third-party service provider, we will charge the work costs for the starting hour in accordance with the Kapseli price list.
Pricing for the storage service
The price of the storage service is reviewed annually. The processing fee and the first 12 months’ fee will be invoiced at the time of setup. After the first year, you will be invoiced in advance every six months.
Kapseli prices are commercially priced fee-based services to which VAT of 25,5% is added. The prices in the price list do not include VAT.
For example, the storage service processing fee is € 577,30 in total (€ 460,00 + (0,255 x € 460,00) = € 577,30).
Product | Price (VAT not included) | Further information |
Storage service processing fee | 460,00 EUR | A processing fee and a minimum order of 12 months will be invoiced in connection with a new storage order. |
Monthly charge for the storage service per 0.5 TB | 7,00 EUR/month (42,00 EUR/6 months) | Billed every six months. |
1. Fee for Findata data request or data permit
- We invoice for a decision on a data request or issuing of a data permit once the decision has been made or the permit has been granted.
2. Data extraction, processing and delivery
- We find out the data controllers’ costs for extracting and delivering the data as part of our processing of the data request or data permit and provide this information to the applicant. We also give the applicant an estimate of the maximum cost for Findata’s data-processing work.
- We invoice for the controllers’ costs and the time spent by Findata processing the data once the data have been disclosed to the decision recipient or permit holder. Regarding the costs of the controllers, Findata treats the invoice as a pass-through item in its accounting. Thus, the controller determines the VAT liability based on the final payer of the invoice.
- If the estimated costs of the registrar’s extractions and Findata’s data processing exceed 5,000 euros, we invoice non-domestic public administration organizations for 70% in advance and foreign operators for 90% of the costs. Pre-invoicing can also be done at the licensee’s request with the desired percentage, if it is higher than the aforementioned minimum percentage. Domestic public administration organizations are not invoiced in advance without a separate request.
3. Use charge for Kapseli secure processing environment
- We invoice the use charge for the remote access environment on a monthly basis, according to the months of use.
- We reserve the right to change the prices for the remote access environment if changes take place to the procurement costs for the remote access environment independently of Findata’s operations.
Payment periods and terms
The invoice payment period is 21 days for Finnish customers and 30 for foreign customers.
Findata charges interest annually on overdue invoices in accordance with the amount laid down in section 4 of the Interest Act (633/1982, edilex.fi) and complying with the provisions otherwise laid down in the Interest Act. Instead of charging interest on overdue payments, Findata may alternatively charge a flat-rate late payment fee of EUR 10 if the quantity of interest charged would be smaller than this.