Findata provides access to social and health register data for secondary use when the data originates from multiple public data controllers, private service providers, or the Kanta Services.
Book a time for personal consultation
You can book a time for personal consultation with an expert from Findata. Appointments are available three days a week and last for 20 minutes. The meetings are held remotely via Teams.
We offer help in the following topics:
- General consultation on Findata’s services
- Data permit applications, amendments, and data requests
- Extraction description form and other forms
- Ordering Findata’s secure processing environment Kapseli, pausing, and data storage service
You can see the available times below. Appointment service is on a summer break from June 19 to August 11, 2025.
Make sure you have written your email address correctly. After booking, we will send a confirmation to your email and a downloadable calendar reminder. We will send the link to the Teams meeting later.
If you have not received a confirmation or Teams link, email us at
The personal consultation service is provided as a part of the FinHITS project funded by the European Union.
What data are available via Findata?
You can apply for access to the data maintained by the controllers listed below via Findata. More details on these data restrictions can be found in the Act on the Secondary Use of Health and Social Data.
Download: Act on the Secondary Use of Health and Social Data (PDF file, 5.4 MB).
Each controller creates descriptions of their register data to help users assess whether the data are suitable for their purposes. For more details on available data, contact the relevant controller directly.
We are working with controllers to standardise data descriptions to improve clarity and accessibility.
Links to data controllers’ websites and data descriptions
Digital and Population Data Services Agency
Data covered by the Secondary Use Act:
- Personal basic information (e.g., date of birth, date of death, personal identity code)
- Family relationships
- Places of residence
- Building information
If other information is needed, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency is responsible for processing the application and making the permit decision.
More information (
Pricing (
Data resource-level data
Finnish Centre for Pensions
Data covered by the Secondary Use Act:
- Employment and earnings data of individuals
- Granted benefits and their grounds, including disability pension diagnoses
If other information is needed, the Finnish Centre for Pensions is responsible for processing the application and making the permit decision.
For statistical inquiries, contact the experts at the Finnish Centre for Pensions: Contact information (
Variable-level data in the Data resources catalogue:
More information: Register data for research use (
Data resource-level data:
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
Data covered by the Secondary Use Act
- All data resources except those collected by THL as a statistical authority for statistical purposes.
More information: Research use and data permits (
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
Data covered by the Secondary Use Act
- Occupational diseases
- Exposure measurements
More information: Data permits for datasets of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (
Finnish Medicines Agency (Fimea)
Read more about Fimea’s research activities (
Variable-level data in the Data resources catalogue (in Finnish)
See also
Kanta services
Data covered by the Secondary Use Act
- Prescriptions and dispensations
- Diagnoses
- Laboratory and vaccination records
- Procedure records
- Physiological measurements
- Medical statements
- Risk data
The next patient data resources to become available for secondary use include:
- Emergency care records
- Oral health care records
The first social welfare client data will be available for secondary use in 2024, including, for example, clientship and decision records.
More information on the secondary use of Kanta data: Research and knowledge management (
Variable-level data in the Data Resources Catalogue (in Finnish):
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira)
Read more about requests for information and research permits for Valvira datasets (
Data in the Data resources catalogue (in Finnish)
- Central registers of social welfare and healthcare professionals
- Supervision statistics for social welfare and healthcare
- Data related to the guidance and supervision of social welfare and healthcare professionals and service units by Valvira
Data resource-level data
- Terhikki – Central register of healthcare professionals, privacy statement (
- Suosikki – Central register of social welfare professionals, privacy statement (
- In Finnish: Soteri – Register of social welfare and healthcare service providers and units, privacy statement (
- In Finnish: Data related to the guidance and supervision of social welfare and healthcare professionals and service units by Valvira (
Private Social and Health Service Providers
We grant permits for the secondary use of social and health data when the data originates from private service providers.
Currently, we do not have information on dataset descriptions from private service providers. Please contact the relevant service provider directly for further details on their data.
Public Social Welfare and Healthcare Service Organisers
Below are links to the websites or data descriptions of some Finnish public social welfare and healthcare service organisers. This list is not exhaustive. You can also apply for a permit via Findata for data from other service organisers if data is combined from multiple data controllers.
In accordance with the Secondary Use Act, data controllers provide advisory services regarding their own data and are the best experts on them. If you need further information about a specific data controller’s resources, their availability for secondary use, or detailed variables, please contact the respective data controller directly.
South Karelia Wellbeing Services County
More information (in Finnish): Research and theses (
South Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County
More information (in Finnish): Research and theses (
Data in the Data resources catalogue (in Finnish)
- Healthcare professionals of South Ostrobothnia Hospital District
- Patient acuity data of South Ostrobothnia Hospital District
- Medical records of South Ostrobothnia Hospital District
- Patient contacts of South Ostrobothnia Hospital District
- Imaging studies of South Ostrobothnia Hospital District
- Surgery data of South Ostrobothnia Hospital District
- Inpatient care of South Ostrobothnia Hospital District
- Patient diagnoses of South Ostrobothnia Hospital District
- Patient personal data of South Ostrobothnia Hospital District
- Procedures of South Ostrobothnia Hospital District
- Units of South Ostrobothnia Hospital District
- Maternity care of South Ostrobothnia Hospital District
South Savo Wellbeing Services County (Eloisa)
More information (in Finnish): Research and development (
City of Helsinki
More information: Research related to the Social Services and Health Care Division (
Contact:, tel. +358 9 310 20835
Data descriptions in the Data resources catalogue
Helsinki University Hospital (HUS)
More information: Research and education (
Data descriptions in the Data resources catalogue
- HUS Patient
- HUS Diagnoses
- HUS Imaging/Radiology studies
- HUS Laboratory
- HUS Medications
- HUS Pathology
- HUS Medical records
- HUS Patient encounters
- HUS Procedures
Kainuu Wellbeing Services County
More information (in Finnish): Theses and research (
Kanta-Häme Wellbeing Services County (Oma Häme)
More information (in Finnish): Research and education (
Data descriptions in the Data Resources Catalogue:
- Healthcare data of Kanta-Häme Hospital District
- Social welfare data of Welfare District of Forssa
- Healthcare data of Welfare District of Forssa
Central Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County (Soite)
More information (in Finnish): Secondary use advisory services (
Central Finland Wellbeing Services County
More information (in Finnish): Research activities (
Central Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County (Keusote)
More information (in Finnish): Scientific research under the Secondary Use Act (
Data service pricing (in Finnish, PDF, 107 KB)
Lapland Wellbeing Services County
More information (in Finnish): Permits for research and theses (
Data descriptions in the Data resources catalogue (in Finnish)
- Lapland Central Hospital’s antibiotic and infection system
- Maternity outpatient clinic and childbirth data of Lapland Hospital District
- Emergency care patient transport data of Lapland Hospital District
- Patient acuity register of Lapland Hospital District
- Imaging studies of Lapland Hospital District
- Visits and inpatient care data of Lapland Hospital District, including diagnoses and minor procedures
- Laboratory register of Lapland Hospital District
- Surgery data of Lapland Hospital District
- Pathology sample and study data of Lapland Hospital District
- Incident reports of Lapland Hospital District
Pirkanmaa Wellbeing Services County (Pirha) / Tampere University Hospital (Tays) Research Services
More information (in Finnish): Pirkanmaa Wellbeing Services County research services (
Data descriptions in the Data resources catalogue (in Finnish):
- Personal data of specialised healthcare clients in Pirha
- Diagnoses in specialised healthcare in Pirha
- Medical records in specialised healthcare in Pirha
- Visits and inpatient care in specialised healthcare in Pirha
- Referrals in specialised healthcare in Pirha
- Procedures in specialised healthcare in Pirha
- Acuity classifications recorded in specialised healthcare in Pirha
- Medical records documented in specialised healthcare in Pirha
Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County
More information (in Finnish): Research, development, and innovation (
Data descriptions in the Data resources catalogue (in Finnish)
North Karelia Wellbeing Services County (Siun sote)
More information: Secondary Use Act (
North Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County (Pohde)
More information: Research and education (
Data descriptions in the Data resources catalogue (in Finnish):
- Anaesthesia and procedure register of Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District
- Archive of Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District
- Treatment termination data of Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District
- Outpatient clinic register of Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District
North Savo Wellbeing Services County
More information (in Finnish): Research (
Data descriptions in the Data resources catalogue (in Finnish):
Päijät-Häme Wellbeing Services County
More information (in Finnish): Research, development and innovation (
Satakunta Wellbeing Services County
More information: Research, development, innovations, and expertise (
Southwest Finland Wellbeing Services County (Varha)
More information in Finnish: Services for researchers (
Data descriptions in the Data resources catalogue (in Finnish)
- Physiological measurements of Turku University Hospital
- Medical records of Turku University Hospital
- Imaging studies of Turku University Hospital
- Visits and inpatient care in Turku University Hospital, including diagnoses and minor procedures
- Laboratory results of Turku University Hospital
- Surgery data of Turku University Hospital
- Referrals of Turku University Hospital
- Medication data of Turku University Hospital
- Pathology of Turku University Hospital
- Patient personal data of Turku University Hospital
- Risk data of Turku University Hospital
- Healthcare-associated infection reports of Turku University Hospital
- Radiotherapy data of Turku University Hospital
- Units of Turku University Hospital
- Maternity outpatient clinic and childbirth data of Turku University Hospital
Regional State Administrative Agencies
Data covered by the Secondary Use Act
- Data relating to social welfare and health care
Read more about the information resources of Regional State Administrative Agencies (
Regional State Administrative Agencies in the Data resource catalogue (in Finnish)
- Etelä-Suomen aluehallintovirasto (
- Itä-Suomen aluehallintovirasto (
- Lapin aluehallintoviraston (
- Lounais-Suomen aluehallintovirasto (
- Länsi- ja Sisä-Suomen aluehallintovirasto (
- Pohjois-Suomen aluehallintovirasto (
Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela)
Data covered by the Secondary Use Act:
- Benefits
- Prescriptions
Read more: Data permits and data requests
Variable-level data in the Data resources catalogue (in Finnish)
Statistics Finland
Data covered by the Secondary Use Act
- Cause of death data
Cause of death data from Statistics Finland is available from 1971 to the most recent year. The most recent year is determined as the statistical year + 12 months. If other data is needed, Statistics Finland processes the application and grants the data permit.
Variable-level data in the Data resources catalogue
Cost estimates
You can find Statistics Finland’s cost estimates for cause of death data here: Pricing of research data and services (
Can data be combined to other information?
Yes, data provided under the Secondary Use Act can be combined with other information, such as:
- Data collected by an individual themselves
- Data accessed with another permit
As a rule, Findata or a statistics authority can combine the data.
If you wish to combine data later on to data you have received via Findata, send an amendment application for the data to be combined. For more information, see the Amendment permits page.
If you wish to combine data accessed with an individual’s consent with data that Findata has issued a permit for, the research subject’s notification and consent models must be attached to the application.
If the data were accessed with another organisation’s permit, provide the following details in your application:
- Permit record number, issuing authority, and decision date
- If the permit is still being processed, the name of the organisation handling it and the date the process started
- A brief description of the additional data
Do not attach external permits to your application. Findata will request them separately if needed.
See Data transfers to Findata for submission instructions.
Where can the data be analysed?
Aggregated statistical data obtained via a data request can be analysed freely in line with the data utilisation plan.
Individual-level data requiring a data permit must be analysed in a secure environment.
As a rule, all individual-level data are disclosed to Findata’s secure processing environment, Kapseli. However, under the Act on the Openness of Government Activities, data may also be disclosed to other approved secure environments if necessary.
Regulation on secure processing environments
Findata has issued a regulation specifying the information security requirements for secure processing environments used for secondary use of social and health data.
These requirements apply to all purposes covered by the Act on the Secondary Use of Health and Social Data, including:
- Scientific research
- Statistics
- Teaching (only for preparing teaching materials, not actual teaching)
- Planning and investigation tasks of public authorities
Since 1 May 2022, compliance with these requirements has been mandatory for any data processed outside Findata’s Kapseli environment. In addition, the processing environment must be assessed by a data security assessment body that must issue a certificate on the assessment.
The regulation allows for different technical solutions. Secure environments may range from:
- A physically and technically secure space with an isolated analysis device
- Cloud-based solutions, provided they meet the required security standards
Foreign researchers’ processing environments must also comply with these requirements. Compliance can be demonstrated through internationally recognised security certifications, verified by an approved Finnish assessment body.
Read more on the Regulation on processing environments page.
If a data controller within the scope of the Secondary Use Act grants a data permit for data from their own registers, they must also disclose the data to a secure environment that complies with the Act on Secondary Use.
Amendment permits (modifications to existing data permits) are subject to the same security requirements as data permits, except in cases where only the data processor is changed.
The National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) maintains a public register of compliant secure environments. See Database of secondary-use environments ( for more information, including registration details and fees.
Where do I send an application for a permit?
Statistical aggregated data accessed via a data request can only be obtained through Findata.
Both Findata and individual data controllers can issue data permits and amendment permits.
- Public controllers issue permits if the application concerns only their own data and does not involve combining the data with other datasets covered by the Secondary Use Act.
- Findata is responsible for issuing permits whenever the application involves combining data from multiple controllers covered by the Act.
Submit your application to Findata if it concerns
- Data from multiple public social and health sector controllers
- Data from a single public controller that has transferred its permit authority to Findata
- Register data from one or multiple private social welfare and healthcare service providers
- Customer data stored in the Kanta Services
Use the Application Assistant at the end of this page to determine which authority you should apply to based on the data you need.
Transferred right to issue permits
Some public controllers have authorised Findata to issue permits on their behalf under the Act on Secondary Use. In such cases, Findata processes all permit applications related to these controllers’ register data.
Currently, the following controllers have transferred their permit authority to Findata:
- Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) (excluding internal permit administration and THL Biobank permits)
- Regional State Administrative Agencies (Southern Finland, Eastern Finland, Lapland, Southwestern Finland, Western and Inland Finland, and Northern Finland)
- National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira)
Some public controllers, such as the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV), the Finnish Centre for Pensions (ETK), and Statistics Finland, cannot transfer their permit authority to Findata.