Data transfers to Findata

On this page, you will find instructions on how to securely submit the extracted data or your own files to Findata using the Nextcloud transfer service. We request the materials from the controllers primarily in CSV format and deliver them to clients in CSV format (semicolon as separator, UTF-8 encoding).

Instructions for data controllers

Read more on how to transfer files or data to Findata. Read more Instructions for data controllers

Instructions for customers

Read more on how to transfer files or data to Findata. Read more Instructions for customers

Before logging in find out what is your organisations public ip address for the network from which the data is transferred.

The following addresses are not public and therefore cannot be used for transferring data:

  • addresses that start with:
    • 10.
    • 192.168.
  • or are between:
    • –
    • 224.0. – 239.255

Please consult your organisations IT help in case you’re unsure about the IP address.

Instructions for the provision of data to controllers

Notify the Findata contact person of the persons involved in the data transfer

Findata’s contact person is the sender of the data request.

Provide in your message the following information:

  • Data permit journal number
  • Organisation from which the data will be transferred
  • The person who will receive the potential target group
  • The person who will deliver the extracted data to Findata
Open the Nextcloud connection

If you already have a Nextcloud connection, go to Encrypt the data and transfer it to Nextcloud

Before logging in to the service, find out the public IP address of your organisation for the network from which the material will be transferred.

The following addresses are not public and are therefore not suitable for the transfer of material:

  • addresses starting with:
    • 10.
    • 192.168.
  • or in the ranges:
    • –
    • 224.0 – 239.255

If you do not know your organisation-specific IP address, contact your organisation’s IT support unit.

  1. Log into the Findata customer service at
  2. Go to the Data Catalogue tab
  3. Under Apply for new access rights, select the form called New Nextcloud ID order
  4. Complete and submit the form
  5. If additional information is required for registration, our partner organisation CSC will contact you by email
  6. When you receive a notification from CSC that a connection has been opened, go to the next section
Encrypt the data and transfer it to Nextcloud

  1. Use your web browser to go to
  2. Log into the Nextcloud transfer service
    • Log into all Findata services and systems using the same authentication method.
    • The front page shows a folder with the title of the data permit decision’s journal number. Verify that the journal number is correct.
    • Inside the folder is a file called journal_number.txt. Verify that the journal number is correct.
  3. Create a new folder on your computer. Make sure that the folder is not accessible to persons other than those authorized to process the data.
  4. Download the following three files from Nextcloud to this folder:
    • Findata Encryption Tool (found in folder named Encryption Tools)
    • (found in folder named Encryption Tools)
    • the journal_number.txt file

To download the file, click the three dots after the file and select ‘Download’.

  1. Compress all the files you want to transfer into a single .zip file and move them to the folder you previously created
    • Make sure that the zip file size does not exceed 4 GB
    • Include in the .zip file the data descriptions
    • Include in the .zip file the data descriptions
    • Do not password protect the .zip files
    • Make sure the file is in the format specified in the data delivery request
    • Make sure that the file name does not contain spaces or special characters (/,? +) [). The following special characters are permitted: dots, hyphens, and underscores (.- _)
  2. Open from the folder the Findata Encryption Tool
  3. Select the file for encryption
    • The file you are encrypting is the zip file you created in step 5. Select a file by pressing ‘Select File’ (see image below)
  1. Select ‘Start Encryption’ to begin the encryption process (see image below)
  1. Two new files will have appeared in your folder on the machine:
    • one .c4gh file and
    • one .json file
  2. Open the folder that matches the project’s journal number in Nextcloud
  3. Upload both files you created in step 9 to that Nextcloud folder
  4. Now, your Nextcloud folder should contain three files:
    • journal_number.txt
    • one .c4gh file
    • one .json file
  5. Log out of the system.
  6. Notify when the data has been transferred.
  7. Once the Findata processor has confirmed that your data has been transferred successfully, you must permanently delete all personal data from the extraction folder you created on your computer. Not therefore from the Nextcloud folder, but from the folder you created yourself.
  8. Empty the Recycle Bin on your computer in case you’ve delivered personal data.

Delivery of customer’s own files to Findata

Send a notification to about your data

Provide in your message the following information:

  • Data permit journal number
  • Remote environment Kapseli code
  • Your Nextcloud ID if you already have a Nextcloud connection.  
    • You can find your IDs by doing the following:
      • Log into your Nextcloud account.
      • Go to the profile icon on the top right.
      • Choose ‘Settings’.
      • Your ID ends in FINDATA.local.
Open the Nextcloud connection

If you already have a Nextcloud connection, go to Encrypt the data and transfer it to Nextcloud

Before logging in to the service, find out the public IP address of your organisation for the network from which the material will be transferred.

The following addresses are not public and are therefore not suitable for the transfer of material:

  • addresses starting with:
    • 10.
    • 192.168.
  • or in the ranges:
    • –
    • 224.0 – 239.255

If you do not know your organisation-specific IP address, contact your organisation’s IT support unit.

  1. Log into the Findata customer service at
  2. Go to the Data Catalogue tab
  3. Under Apply for new access rights, select the form called New Nextcloud ID order
  4. Complete and submit the form
  5. If additional information is required for registration, our partner organisation CSC will contact you by email
  6. When you receive a notification from CSC that a connection has been opened, go to the next section
Fill in the Files to be sent to Kapseli form
  • Fill in the form below and submit it to Findata via Nextcloud in the same transfer folder together with the other files. Go to the next step.
  • If you’re transferring data, submit its data description in the same transfer folder.

Files to be sent to Kapseli form (download Word file, 26 kB)

Encrypt the data and transfer it to Nextcloud

  1. Use your web browser to go to
  2. Log into the Nextcloud transfer service
    • Log into all Findata services and systems using the same authentication method.
    • The front page shows a folder with the title of the data permit decision’s journal number. Verify that the journal number is correct.
    • Inside the folder is a file called journal_number.txt. Verify that the journal number is correct.
  3. Create a new folder on your computer. Make sure that the folder is not accessible to persons other than those authorized to process the data.
  4. Download the following three files from Nextcloud to this folder:
    • Findata Encryption Tool (found in folder named Encryption Tools)
    • (found in folder named Encryption Tools)
    • the journal_number.txt file

To download the file, click the three dots after the file and select ‘Download’.

  1. Compress all the files you want to transfer into a single .zip file and move them to the folder you previously created
    • Make sure that the zip file size does not exceed 4 GB
    • Include in the .zip file the data descriptions
    • Include in the .zip file the data descriptions
    • Do not password protect the .zip files
    • Make sure the file is in the format specified in the data delivery request
    • Make sure that the file name does not contain spaces or special characters (/,? +) [). The following special characters are permitted: dots, hyphens, and underscores (.- _)
  2. Open from the folder the Findata Encryption Tool
  3. Select the file for encryption
    • The file you are encrypting is the zip file you created in step 5. Select a file by pressing ‘Select File’ (see image below)
  1. Select ‘Start Encryption’ to begin the encryption process (see image below)
  1. Two new files will have appeared in your folder on the machine:
    • one .c4gh file and
    • one .json file
  2. Open the folder that matches the project’s journal number in Nextcloud
  3. Upload both files you created in step 9 to that Nextcloud folder
  4. Now, your Nextcloud folder should contain three files:
    • journal_number.txt
    • one .c4gh file
    • one .json file
  5. Log out of the system.
  6. Notify when the data has been transferred.
  7. Once the Findata processor has confirmed that your data has been transferred successfully, you must permanently delete all personal data from the extraction folder you created on your computer. Not therefore from the Nextcloud folder, but from the folder you created yourself.
  8. Empty the Recycle Bin on your computer in case you’ve delivered personal data.