On this page, you’ll find key results and materials from the FinHITS project.

We publish new results three times a year. This page was last updated in August 2024 and will be updated again in December 2024.

You can view the results by work package by clicking on the work package headings below.

Deliverables are specific outputs or results produced during the project.

Milestones are checkpoints within the project that help track progress.

Explore our achievements, download resources, and learn about upcoming developments!

WP1 Management and Coordination

Ensuring effective project coordination and collaboration to achieve project goals

In work package 1, we are focusing on managing and coordinating the project while also building and maintaining national and international collaborations with key stakeholders.

Key results achieved:

  • Started detailed planning at the work package level.
  • Establishing and launching an advisory group
  • Appointed representatives for the community of practice
  • Presented the project to national secondary use working groups

Upcoming activities:

  • Conducting regular meetings with the advisory group and Community of Practice subgroups.
  • Coordinating meetings with health data access bodies that have received direct grant funding from the EU.
WP1 Deliverables and milestones


D1.1 Governance Management and Participation Report

  • Deadline: September 30, 2027


MS1: Strengthening of the national governance and management structure by presenting the project’s objectives for the key groups

  • Deadline: September 30, 2027

MS2: Findata’s representative in the temporary HealthData@EU cross-border governance body

  • Status: Validated and accepted by Findata’s management team on April 2, 2024
  • Purpose: Findata chairs the EHDS2 Community of Practice (CoP) general assembly.
  • Expert members in the following subgroups:
    • Data Access Application Systems
    • Health Datasets Metadata Catalogue and Data Quality and Utility
    • Secure Processing Environments
    • Cross-border Gateways
    • Deployment and Operations

MS3: Setting up of the Advisory Group

  • Status: Validated and accepted by Findata’s management team on April 2, 2024
  • Purpose:
    • Findata has established an advisory group that meets three times a year throughout the project duration.
    • The group provides expert insights and guidance, focusing on stakeholders’ perspectives.
  • Participants:
    • Findata
    • The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland (Varha)
    • Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (STM)
    • Sitra
    • Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
    • Statistics Finland

WP2 Dissemination, training and support

Empowering Stakeholders

In work package 2, we are focusing on raising awareness among stakeholders, providing training, and supporting initiatives for HDABs, data holders, and data users, as well as improving the service desk. Dissemination, training, and support activities are planned for the entire duration of the project.

Key results achieved:

  • Feb 2024: Created a visual identity and website for the project.
  • Spring 2024: Conducted satisfaction surveys for both users and employees regarding our services.
  • Apr 2024: Organised a kick-off event for national stakeholders. Read more.
  • Spring 2024: Piloted a popular personal consultation service. Read more.

Upcoming activities:

  • Nov 7, 2024: Webinar for national stakeholders in Finnish, where we present project plans for the different work packages. Sign up here.
  • Nov 12, 2024: Application Clinic for international customers. Read more.
  • Mar 11, 2025: Application Clinic for international customers. Read more.
  • Spring 2025: Webinar for international stakeholders.
WP2 Materials

May 2024: Presentation of the FinHITS project

Apr 2024: Presentation of the FinHITS kick-off event (in Finnish)

Apr 2024: Summary of the workshops held during the FinHITS kick-off event

May 2024: Summary of the results of the customer satisfaction survey

WP2 Deliverables and milestones


D2.1 Dissemination, training and education plan

  • Deadline: December 31, 2024

D2.2 Dissemination, Education and training portal/website

  • Deadline: June 30, 2026

D2.3 Dissemination, Education and Training Monitoring Report

  • Deadline: October 31, 2027

D2.4 MS Improved Service Desk Plan

  • Deadline: October 31, 2024


MS4 Dissemination campaign

  • Deadline: October 31, 2026

MS5 Training and education material

  • Deadline: October 31, 2025

MS6 Improved Help desk

  • Deadline: October 31, 2025

WP3 Evaluation

Tracking Our Progress

In work package 3, we are focusing on monitoring performance and ensuring the successful implementation of our activities.

Key results achieved:

  • Apr 2024: Established a set of indicators (MS7) to measure progress and track against project goals.

Upcoming activities:

  • Conducting semi-annual reviews of the indicators to assess progress and identify potential challenges.
  • Implementing adjustments as needed to address issues and ensure the project stays on track for successful completion.
WP3 Deliverables and milestones


D3.1 Report on the performance monitoring indicators framework

  • Deadline: February 28, 2025

D3.2 Overall evaluation report

  • Deadline: August 31, 2027

D3.3 Action-level Indicators -report

  • Deadline: June 30, 2027


MS7 Definition of performance monitoring indicators

  • Status: Validated and accepted by Findata’s management team on April 2, 2024.
  • Purpose: Findata has established performance indicators for the FinHITS project. These include baselines, targets, measurement methods, and responsibilities for each indicator. Continuous monitoring of these indicators ensures the project goals are achieved.

MS8 Overall evaluation of the project

  • Deadline: July 31, 2027

WP4 Sustainability

Ensuring Long-term Digital Business Capabilities

In work package 4, we are focusing are focusing on maintaining the resilience of IT solutions and ensuring their ongoing effectiveness beyond the project period.

Key results achieved:

  • Updated the project’s risk management plan, including risk mitigation measures and clear procedures for ongoing risk monitoring.

Upcoming activities:

  • Developing a detailed Sustainability Plan to ensure long-term durability of digital solutions.
  • Creating a Business Continuity Plan to address potential disruptions and maintain operations under various scenarios.
WP4 Deliverables and milestones


D4.1 Sustainability Plan

  • Deadline: June 30, 2027

D4.2 Business Continuity Plan

  • Deadline: June 30, 2027


MS9 Preparation of a Sustainability Plan

  • Deadline: February 28, 2027

MS10 Preparation of a Business Continuity Plan

  • Deadline: February 28, 2027

WP5 Data Access Applications Management System

Enhancing Efficiency and Accuracy

In work package 5, we are focusing on refining the data access applications management system (DAAMs) based on practical experiences, stakeholder needs, and upcoming requirements set by EHDS. Our goal is to make the application portal more user-friendly and efficient.

Key results achieved:

  • Defined the key requirements for the application portal solution, aiming to start developing a new pilot environment by the end of 2024.

Upcoming activities:

  • Upgrading the application portal to enhance usability and streamline the user experience.
  • Developing and implementing a more structured data description tool to simplify the data selection process and enhance efficiency.
  • Introducing improved communication tools to reduce errors in data extraction and increase overall accuracy.
WP5 Deliverables and milestones


D5.1 DAAMs: Requirements, Specifications and Prototype

  • Deadline: January 31, 2025

D5.2 DAAMs: Pilot Report

  • Deadline: January 31, 2027

D5.3 DAAMs: Operational Service

  • Deadline: July 31, 2027


MS11 DAAMs: Draft requirements, Specifications and Prototype

  • Deadline: October 31, 2024

MS12 DAAMs: Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

  • Deadline: October 31, 2026

MS13 DAAMs: Operational Product (OP)

  • Deadline: April 30, 2027

WP6 National Dataset Catalogue for Health Data

Enhancing Usability for National and International Customers

In work package 6, we are working on improving the National Dataset Catalogue for Health Data (nHDsC) to make it more user-friendly for both national and international users. We are collaborating with the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) to ensure the catalogue meets the standards set by the EHDS.

Key results achieved:

  • Completed a needs assessment for the National Dataset Catalogue based on backlog, satisfaction surveys, and FinHITS kick-off workshops.

Upcoming activities:

  • Fall 2024: Commencing the drafting of the technical requirements based on the feedback.
  • Enhancing the usability of the catalogue to make data searches more intuitive and efficient.
  • Ensuring the catalogue is accessible and functional for international clients.
  • Aligning the catalogue with the European Health Data Space (EHDS) requirements to meet all necessary standards.
WP6 Deliverables and milestones


D6.1 nHDsC: Requirements and Specifications

  • Deadline: January 31, 2025

D6.2 nHDsC: Pilot Report

  • Deadline: July 31, 2026

D6.3 nHDsC: Operational Service

  • Deadline: July 31, 2027


MS14 nHDsC: Draft Requirements and Specifications + Prototype

  • Deadline: October 31, 2024

MS15 nHDsC: Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

  • Deadline: April 30, 2026

MS16 nHDsC: Operational Product (OP)

  • Deadline: April 30, 2027

WP7 Secure Processing Environment for Health Data

Enhancing Kapseli® for Improved Performance and Security

In work package 7, we are focusing on advancing the secure processing environment (SPE), Kapseli®. Our goal is to enhance its capacity, usability, and security to better support health data processing and handling of complex data projects.

Key results achieved:

  • Finalized the implementation plan for the anonymization tool and now starting to plan the execution.
  • Started planning the development of the licensing tool and federated analyses, with work continuing in the fall of 2024.

Upcoming activities:

  • Increasing computing power by adding GPU capabilities.
  • Enabling federated analyses to integrate data securely across multiple datasets.
  • Developing tools for anonymization to ensure data privacy.
  • Enhancing license management to improve the user experience.
WP7 Deliverables and milestones


D7.1 SPE: Requirements and Specifications

  • Deadline: January 31, 2025

D7.2 SPE: Pilot Report

  • Deadline: July 31, 2026

D7.3 SPE: Operational Service

  • Deadline: July 31, 2027


MS17 SPE: Draft requirements, Specifications and Prototype

  • Deadline: October 31, 2024

MS18 SPE: Minimum Viable Product

  • Deadline: April 30, 2026

MS19 SPE: Operational Product

  • Deadline: April 30, 2027

WP8 Cross-border gateway

Establishing Connectivity with HealthData@EU Infrastructure

In work package 8, we are working to establish connections to cross-border data transfer solutions and integrate with the HealthData@EU infrastructure, in line with upcoming EHDS regulations.

Key results achieved:

  • Work for this work package will start in September 2024.

Upcoming activities:

  • Establishing connectivity with cross-border data transfer solutions.
  • Enabling integration with the HealthData@EU infrastructure.
WP8 Deliverables and milestones


D8.1 National Connector for Cross-border gateway: Requirements and Specifications

  • Deadline: January 31, 2026

D8.2 Cross-border gateway: Pilot Report

  • Deadline: January 31, 2027

D8.3 Cross-border gateway: Operational Service

  • Deadline: July 31, 2027


MS20 Cross-border gateway: Draft requirements, Specifications and Prototype

  • Deadline: October 31, 2025

MS21 Cross-border gateway: Minimum Viable Product

  • Deadline: October 31, 2026

MS22 Cross-border gateway: Operational Product

  • Deadline: April 30, 2027

WP9 Health data quality enhancement

Improving Data Quality and Providing Support

In work package 9, we are focusing on enhancing data quality by developing tools, offering support, creating guidelines, and compiling ready-made datasets.

Key results achieved:

  • Apr, 2024: Published the FinRegistry dataset. Read more.

Upcoming activities:

  • Producing additional ready-made datasets for customer access.
  • Clarifying Findata’s role in supporting data quality throughout its lifecycle.
  • Creating support materials on data quality.
WP9 Deliverables and milestones


D9.1 Health data quality enhancement: Requirements and Specifications

  • Deadline: June 30, 2025

D9.2 Health data quality enhancement High-quality datasets

  • Deadline: October 31, 2026

D9.3 Health data quality enhancement: Data quality solutions report

  • Deadline: July 31, 2027


MS23 Health data quality enhancement: Draft Requirements and Specifications

  • Deadline: October 31, 2024

MS24 Health data quality enhancement: Description on ready-made datasets

  • Deadline: April 30, 2026

MS25 Health data quality enhancement: Data quality solutions

  • Deadline: April 30, 2027

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.