Uppdaterad 10.05.2024

Färdigt datamaterial

Vårt mål är att erbjuda våra kunder färdigt datamaterial i tematiska materialhelheter.

Färdigt datamaterial är enligt namnet färdigt sammanställda och förbehandlade materialhelheter som är snabbare tillgängliga, utan den personuppgiftsansvarigas kostnadskalkyler eller urval.

Tillstånd för att använda färdigt datamaterial ansöks på samma sätt som för övriga material, men de kan inte skräddarsys eller redigeras enligt kundens behov som för övrigt material. Det modulera utförandesättet säkerställer dock ett genomförande i enlighet med principen om minimering och att kunden kan bygga upp en helhet som passar hen av olika moduler.

How to apply for a ready-made dataset?

Data permit for the use of ready-made dataset is applied for in the same way as for other data, but they cannot be tailored or modified according to the customer’s needs like other data. Läs mer How to apply for a ready-made dataset?

How much does a ready-made dataset cost?

The price depends on the requested ready-made dataset. Delivery of COVID-19 data to Kapseli is free of charge. Läs mer How much does a ready-made dataset cost?

Available datasets

Findata’s first ready-made dataset is on the theme of COVID-19. Läs mer Available datasets

How to apply for a ready-made dataset?

Data permit for the use of ready-made dataset is applied for in the same way as for other data, but they cannot be tailored or modified according to the customer’s needs like other data.

A separate application form will be available for ready-made data, which is used to process submitted applications quickly.

The data to be handed over are pseudonymized separately for each client and permit. Ready-made datasets are individual-level data that can only be analyzed in a secure operating environment that meets the requirements. The primary operating environment is Findatan’s Kapseli.

Data permit for ready-made dataset can be applied for in our transaction service: asiointi.findata.fi

How much does a ready-made dataset cost?

The price is based on the regulation of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The current prices are valid until 31 December 2023.

A data permit for one COVID-19 dataset costs 300 euros. Delivery of data to Kapseli is free of charge. If you want to analyze the data in another environment, two working hours, i.e. 294 euros (VAT +0%), will be charged for the delivery costs. We inform the client of the costs if the workload estimate exceeds two hours.

If you want to combine other data with the ready-made dataset, the price and processing time of the normal data permit will apply.

See the Pricing page for more information.

Available datasets

The first dataset is now available.

Findata’s ready-made dataset: COVID-19

More detailed description: Aineistokatalogi.fi

The COVID-19dataset contains data from four controller: The Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare (THL), Kela/Kanta, Fimea and Statistics Finland. The target group is formed based on THL’s Infectious Disease Register. The data includes people who fell ill with COVID-19 in the HUS area in 2020–2021.

Data contents specific to the controller

  • Fimea: information on side effects of corona vaccinations
  • THL:
    • primary healthcare and specialist healthcare information (Hilmo and Avohilmo registers) on COVID-19 related reception visits and ward treatment periods
    • Various background information and more detailed information about COVID-19 from the Infectious Disease Register
  • Kela/Kanta: comprehensive COVID-19 vaccination information
  • Tilastokeskus: cause of death data


You can apply for a permit either for the entire dataset or form a whole from the modules below.

  • Annual packages
    • 2020
    • 2021
  • Age limit
    • 0–15 year olds
    • 16 years and older

Basic information

Findata’s ready-made dataset: COVID-19N%
Cohort size138 396
Male69 84350,47
Female68 55349,53
A diagnosis of COVID-19 in 2020 a20 75515,00
A diagnosis of COVID-19 in 2020 a118 21785,42
Those who received a positive diagnosis by age group in 2020
0–152 37911,46
16+18 37688,54
Those who received a positive diagnosis by age group in 2021
0–1527 04022,87
16+91 17777,13
Those who died during the follow-up periodb1 1830,85

a Some of the persons included in the material were diagnosed with COVID-19 in both 2020 and 2021.
b All causes of death

Mer information

Peija Haaramo

Chief Metadata Specialist